• Адрес: Киев ул. Большая Окружная, 8
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The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) is a treaty of the World Trade Organization (WTO) that was established in 1995. The purpose of this agreement is to regulate international trade in services between WTO member states. The GATS covers a wide range of services, including business, telecommunications, construction, tourism, financial, and legal services.

The GATS has a liberalizing effect on trade in services, meaning that it aims to reduce barriers to the free flow of services between countries. This is achieved by establishing a set of rules and principles that member states must adhere to when trading services with one another.

One of the key principles of the GATS is the Most-Favored Nation (MFN) principle, which requires member states to treat each other equally in terms of market access. This means that if a country grants a certain level of market access to one member state, it must also grant the same level of access to all other member states.

The GATS also sets out rules for the protection of intellectual property rights in the context of trade in services. For example, it requires member states to provide adequate and effective protection for trademarks and copyrights, and to prevent the unauthorized use of such intellectual property.

The GATS has been subject to criticism from some quarters. Some argue that it puts too much emphasis on the liberalization of trade in services at the expense of other important concerns, such as sustainability and social justice. Others argue that it is too complex and difficult to understand, making it hard for small businesses and developing countries to benefit from it.

Despite these criticisms, the GATS remains an important treaty governing international trade in services. It reflects the growing importance of the services sector in the global economy, and the need for clear rules and principles to regulate this sector. As such, it is likely to remain a key component of the WTO’s trade agenda in the years to come.

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